Design and Technology

Students design, make and appraise practical solutions that respond to opportunities, problems, needs or enterprising ideas. Using technology involves selecting and applying practical skills, techniques, tools and materials to create design solutions. It is based on the design process in which students are given design challenges and encouraged to think creatively about a range of practical solutions.

Students will study an introductory course in year 7 and 8, in which students sample a few of the different types of technology offered as electives from year 9 onwards at BHS. These are wood based design, metal-based design, graphic design with computers and designing with electronics.

Years 7/8

General Art

Applied Technology


Digital Technology

Years 9/10

Media Production

Computer Technology

VET Building and Construction (Yr 10)

Computer Aided Design

Robotic Technology

Publishing: Yearbook

Drama: Comedy and Commedia


Food Technology provide


s students with opportunities to consider and take hold of their own health and well-being, to develop safe food handling skills and to make good food choices. Importance is placed on the development of practical skills which can be used at home. It is based on the design process, allowing students to take on 'food challenges', using creative thinking and design to produce suitable solutions.

Yr 7/8

Food Technology

Yr 9/10

Food Technology

Bake House

VET Hospitality (Yr 10)

Students study an introductory course in year 7 and 8. This focusses on developing basic skills through practical application. In years 9 and 10 students are offered elective subjects, allowing them to diversify their interests.

Attitudes and Values We Promote

  • Appreciate the place of creativity, innovation and enterprise in the design process.
  • Develop a commitment to occupational health, hygiene and safety.
  • Develop a commitment to responsible selection and use of technology.
  • Appreciate ethical and moral considerations relevant to design solutions.
  • Relevance to industry.
  • Strong work ethics in the classroom.
  • Punctual arrival to class.
  • Respect for one another.